NYS Coronavirus Update

“New York on PAUSE” will be extended until May 15th. Non-essential workers must continue to stay home and social distancing rules remain in place. Governor Cuomo says that New York will re-evaluate after this additional closure period.

Assemblyman Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury), who is running for State Senate in the 45th District, today issued the following statement concerning Governor Cuomo’s plan to continue “New York State on Pause” through May 15:

“While I understand the need to be cautious during these uncertain times, the Governor’s decision is both a bit premature and fails to recognize the need for some regional-based strategies.

The state was already on pause until April 29. There was no need, with two weeks remaining in that time frame, to extend this pause until mid-May. As we’ve all seen, most recently, with the threat of seizing ventilators that became unnecessary within a few days, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic changes from day-to-day and week-to-week, so this decision could have waited until more information comes in.

But more importantly, and I expressed this today to the Governor’s office, our upstate economy simply cannot continue to be tethered to the situations in New York City and downstate suburbs. I fully understand keeping a pause on operations in that part of the state, but our region has not been hit anywhere near as hard and plans going forward need to reflect that the situation on the ground isn’t the same everywhere.

Our region’s economy was already lagging before this crisis hit and is now more vulnerable than ever. The 45th Senate District has been fortunate enough to avoid bearing the brunt of COVID-19 cases, and as long as the risk of exposure remains low in this and other areas upstate, we need to start reopening our economy.

I’ve heard the message loud and clear from small business owners in this district that a pause until May 15 could sink their business for good. We need to avoid these situations and taking a regional-based approach to this pause is just common sense.”