Dresden 2020 Town Budget Posted

The 2020 town budget for Dresden has been posted on the town website. It is large download encompassing many pages, but here is a basic summary.

The total appropriations for 2020 are listed at $1,145,062. This is a 2.95% decrease from 2019 when appropriations stood at $1,179,915. The amount to be raised from taxes in 2020 increases to $832,186 from $808,344 in 2019. However, because Dresden’s tax base is growing, the budget predicts that taxes should only increase 0.6755% in 2020. Remember, a growing tax base means the money to be raised from taxes can be spread over a larger total number. The towns that understand how to grow their tax base can negate or lessen the effects of spending increases. The goal should always be to watch spending while growing the tax base. Historically, Dresden has been good at this.

The Dresden and Huletts fire companies both receive the same amounts as 2019. The last page lists the salaries of all town officials.

Many thanks to Dresden Supervisor Paul Ferguson (who is also the budget officer for the Town) and the entire Dresden Town Board for working so hard to keep our town taxes low.