Stec Announces State Senate Candidacy

After announcing his plan this week to run for the state Senate, Assemblyman Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) met with all six Republican County Chairs that comprise the 45th Senate District. Left to right seated – Franklin Co GOP Chair Shelley Mulverhill, Assemblyman Dan Stec, Essex Co GOP Chair John Gereau, Standing are – Warren Co GOP Chair Mike Grasso, Washington Co GOP Chair Dan Boucher, St Lawrence Co GOP Chair Tom Jenison.

Assemblyman Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) has announced his candidacy for the state Senate’s 45th District. Senator Betty Little announced she’ll be stepping down in 2020 after serving 25 years in the Legislature. Stec, who has worked closely with Senator Little both as an Assemblyman and as a local elected official, has the experience and proven record necessary to ensure North Country residents continue receiving honest, accountable leadership in the Senate.

Stec issued the following statement on his campaign for Senate:

“I’m proud to announce my candidacy today for state Senate. With the news of Senator Little’s retirement, it’s so important that we elect someone that understands the issues we face, and has the experience and record of fighting on our behalf.

“My top priorities have always been defending our values and fighting for common-sense solutions to the challenges we face. This is why I’ve partnered with local law enforcement to oppose the bail reforms instituted by Senate and Assembly Democrats. It’s why I opposed giving drivers’ licenses, ‘free’ college tuition to illegal immigrants and other initiatives that put the rights of criminals before the well-being of our communities.

“As an Assemblyman, I helped pass the first countywide EMS bill for Essex County – the first of its kind in the state. I championed the constitutional amendment to strip pensions from corrupt politicians and shepherded three other constitutional amendments that were important to the residents of the North Country. I have and will continue to make investments in important infrastructure like roads, water, sewer, broadband and cell service critical to our economy and public safety a high priority.

“This is the proven record of advocacy and accomplishment I want to bring to the state Senate. With one-party control, we need someone who will push back against the radical liberal tax-and spend agenda that crushes our communities. We need someone who will work to achieve solutions to our problems that reflect our needs and values. We need someone who will continue Senator Little’s strong legacy as an honest, hardworking elected official.

“As our next state Senator, that’s exactly what I will do.”

The 45th Senate District includes all of Clinton, Essex, Franklin and Warren Counties, as well as parts of St. Lawrence and Washington Counties. Stec’s Assembly District comprises the entirety of Warren and Essex Counties, as well as the northern parts of Saratoga and Washington Counties. He was elected to represent the district in 2012. Prior to his becoming Assemblyman, Stec was the Queensbury Town Supervisor and Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors.