HLVFC Celebrates its Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations Graduating Class of 2019

The HLVFC firefighters who gained their certification for Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations. (Click all images to see larger versions.)

A noteworthy celebration that took place at the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company firehouse last Saturday, where 18 members were honored for their successful completion of a very intensive 80 hour training course, sponsored by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, thus gaining their certification for Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations.

As you can imagine, that commitment to advance the level of professionalism within our community is just one more indication of the dedication these firefighters have for improving their skills to best serve our Huletts Landing community.

The dinner, held in their honor that evening, was attended by the proud family members of the graduates, other rank and file members of the Fire Company and the officiating members of the New York State Fire Administrators Office. Also in attendance, was Paul Ferguson, Town Supervisor for the the town of Dresden.

The ultimate focus of appreciation was on each graduate as they were called up to receive their “Certificate of Completion” from the State Administrator and their Instructor, Scott Richards.

Many accolades of appreciation were given to all those “behind the scene” supporting staff, including several of the firefighter wives who faithfully provided all the daily food and nourishment – it was delicious and they were outstanding.

But especially singled out were the fire Company’s Training Officer, Jim Leghorn, and his wife Cathy for the initial planning and valued contribution in putting this project together and thereby providing this opportunity for its success.

So once again, many thanks to the Graduates for undertaking this challenge – no doubt a decision that will prove to be beneficial to our community for years to come. All in all, it was a very exciting and rewarding evening that will long be remembered.