Golf Course News

Participants in the ‘Skip Linhart Golf Tournament’.

Ben Hogan once said: “The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.” For all those who love golf in Huletts – there were two newsworthy events that took place on the Huletts golf course recently that are certainly newsworthy.

The annual ‘Skip Linhart Golf Tournament’ was held on 8/17/19 and included 39 golfers from the Huletts community. The winners of this year’s tournament were: Mark Eliseo, Dick Lyons, Deckkers Davidson, Doreen Stoecker and Mike Machiski.

Children who participated in the first annual Youth Golf Tournament.

The first annual Youth Golf Tournament was held on 8/30/19 and included approximately 30 children ranging from the ages of five through twelve. The program was organized by Haley Davidow and assisted by others. Trophies were awarded to winners of the various age groups.

Many thanks to all those who worked so hard to make these two events happen.

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