Top News Story of Huletts: 2018

Lake George Land Conservancy Executive Director, Jamie Brown, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new Leeming Jelliffe Preserve in Huletts Landing which opened in September 2018. (Click all pictures to see larger versions.)

Well here it is – the end of 2018. While all the major media outlets are recapping the big events of the past year, I like to move into the new year by taking one last look back at what I consider the top “news” story of Huletts Landing from the past year. While a lot happened this year, one event clearly stood out.

On Friday, September 7th, 2018 the Lake George Land Conservancy marked the opening of the Leeming Jelliffe Preserve in Hulett’s Landing with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by nearly 40 community members and key supporters of the project.

The 33.3-acre upland preserve was purchased by the LGLC in April 2018. Over the summer, LGLC staff and volunteers blazed a short, easy trail to the preserve’s viewpoint overlooking the narrows and Silver Bay on the western shore. There is currently a small road-front area for parking; a larger parking lot may be created, if needed.

The sign at then end of the trail of the new Leeming Jelliffe Preserve.

I chose this story because as real estate gets more expensive to purchase and maintain in the Lake George basin, this type of preservation is very unique and forward looking. Public open spaces improve our physical and psychological health and strengthen our community. They attract tourists, and serve as community signature pieces, offer a marketing tool to attract new property owners and visitors.

A large and festive crowd gathered in September for the ribbon cutting. Sylvia Jelliffe Lawler is pictured here (left) in white sweater.

This specific purchase was made thanks to the willingness of the Wilkening family to work to protect it, and to a timely and generous donation by Paul and Sylvia Jelliffe Lawler, which was matched by Paul’s past employer, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The donation also made possible the purchase of a conservation easement on an adjoining house lot with over 600 feet of Lake George shorefront.

Visitors and guests enjoying the new trail system.

From left to right, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of new Leeming Jelliffe Preserve in Huletts Landing: LGLC Development Manager Helen Barton Benedict, Paul Lawler, LGLC Executive Director Jamie Brown, LGLC Board President Mike O’Reilly, Sylvia Jelliffe Lawler, and LGLC Board Member Patty HasBrouck.

The view from the new Leeming Jelliffe Preserve.

The LGLC also announced a new campaign, launched with a challenge pledge of $1 million from the Lawlers and Kellogg Foundation for conservation in the Hulett’s Landing area. The LGLC will be fundraising to match the generous pledge, so that $2 million in total will be available for permanent land protection in the region.

So congratulations to all those who made the new Leeming Jelliffe Preserve in Huletts Landing a reality in 2018. You are the Top News Story of Huletts: 2018!

Now on to 2019!