Dresden Receives Salt Brine Equipment from LGPC

Brine spreaders (foreground) and brine tanks (background) acquired by the Lake George Park Commission before they were sent to towns in the Lake George watershed.

Many thanks to Dave Wick of the Lake George Park Commission who applied for the grant so that each town in the Lake George watershed could receive a salt brine spreader, containers to hold the brine and a supply of the brine itself to use on roads before a winter storm event.

The idea behind this equipment is that it should lower the amount of road salt that is applied to area roads and lessen the amount of salt runoff into the lake.

Dresden received three storage tanks that have already been installed. Two 3,000 gallon tanks for holding the salt brine, and one 1,000 gallon tank for magnesium chlorine which is used to prep the road surface.

A brine spreader is designed to go in the back of a town truck.

The Town of Dresden has spent approximately $30,000 per year on road salt in the past. By utilizing the brine, the Town is hoping to cut road salt usage in half, in addition to helping the environment.

The LGPC also provided a shared brine maker to Dresden and our neighbor to the north, Putnam. Because of a lack of space the maker will be housed in Putnam but Dresden will be able to refill our tanks as needed.

Many thanks to Town Supervisor, Paul Ferguson, and Dresden highway superintendent, Rick Hobus. Saving money while also protecting the environment for the citizens of Dresden is a win-win for all involved.

(Click images to see full-scale. Photo credit: Pat Dowd, Lake George Association)