Pictures from the 2018 Huletts Christmas Party

The Huletts firehouse was decorated with bright lights for the annual holiday party.

The Huletts Fire Company held their annual Christmas party on Saturday, December 1st. Below are a number of photographs taken at the party.

As always, it was a warm and friendly gathering of our fire volunteers and community residents. All were treated to a fabulous evening of outstanding cuisine, engaging camaraderie and an abundance of holiday good cheer.

Those who attended participated in a fund-raising lottery that was conducted with donated gift baskets. The Fire Company wishes to express its profound gratitude to the many local merchants and Huletts community donors who so generously provided the contents of these baskets. Many thanks to all those who support the Fire Company with their continued financial support. This help is essential in procuring future firefighting equipment and assets.

Many thanks to Dave Richards for submitting the photos.