Ten Years Old

Well, here it is – another November 9th. Today is the day I celebrate the “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It’s now been exactly ten years since my first post in 2008. This year, I have not been able to devote as much time as would like to updating the site but I will announce that over the next couple of months, an overall update in the design of the site will occur. It’s time for a fresher / cleaner look. The content will still be easy to read and all of the historic posts will still be there, but it’s time for a change.

The one comment I consistently get, is why isn’t there more news? Well I don’t make the stuff up, I have to rely on all of you to pass things along. So if you have some news, please let me know.

So as is my custom, here are the most read posts from the past year.

1.) Pictures from the 2017 Huletts Christmas Party
2.) Pictures from the 2017 Dresden Christmas Party
3.) An Aerial View on ‘Black Friday’
4.) New LGLC Leeming Jelliffe Preserve Opens in Huletts Landing
5.) President Trump Visits Fort Drum
6.) Star Trek Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga is Unbelievable
7.) Pictures from the Master’s Golf Championship
8.) Postal Service Renews Huletts Post Office Lease
9.) Dresden Final Election Results
10.) 2018 Columbus Weekend ‘Halloween’ Parade

So thanks again for reading and now onto year eleven!!