LGLC Conserves Land on East Brook, Protecting Water Quality

East Brook, one of Lake George’s ten largest tributaries, flows through a property recently protected by the LGLC in the Town of Lake George. Photo Credit: LGLC (Click to see full-scale.)

The Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) has protected sensitive property in the Town of Lake George along the main branch of East Brook, one of the top ten tributaries of Lake George. The 12-acre property contains over 500 feet of stream corridor and riparian area as well as several acres of wetlands that help to naturally protect water quality.

Located on the west side of Bloody Pond Rd, the heavily wooded property abuts Lake George Elementary School land. Some of the land was zoned as High Density Residential and the topography would have allowed up to five homes right on East Brook. Although the LGLC is not anti-development, the protection of this sensitive land for the benefit of water quality made it a high conservation priority.

There is clear evidence of soil erosion from storm water coming off of I-87 and neighboring roadways. The LGLC is partnering with Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to assess the property and define steps that can be taken to improve the condition of the stream and reduce further erosion.

“The 12 acre property the that the Lake George Land Conservancy recently purchased is an interesting piece,” explained Jim Lieberum, district manager of the Warren County SWCD, “as it has both the main stem and a tributary located on it. The property is heavily forested and has some impressive hemlock, white pine, ash and sugar maples scattered throughout. Walking the site reveals that there have been impacts to the streams and their channels as eroding banks and collapsed trees are found in various sections of the streams. I believe that some maintenance of the site is plausible to stabilize the affected sections, but a review upstream of the areas is warranted to ensure what is done will be lasting and compliments the conservation efforts on this parcel.”

The property was owned by the McPhillips family, who desired to see the land protected. They generously agreed to sell the land to the LGLC below the property’s appraised value through what’s called a bargain sale.

“We are so grateful to the McPhillips family,” said LGLC Executive Director Jamie Brown, “both for their generosity in selling the land to us through a bargain sale as well as their conservation ethic and wonderful stewardship of this land over the years. This is a model conservation project—we had a generous and willing landowner, an important conservation property, enthusiastic and excited supporters, and a really exciting game plan as to what we will be doing with the property in the future, which is bringing people onto the land to understand why it was important to protect, the role that it plays in protecting the lake, and just to get them out and see a beautiful spot.”