Top News Story of Huletts: 2017

Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company members responding to the truck rollover accident the morning of September 15th.

Well here it is – the end of 2017. While all the major media outlets are recapping the big events of the past year, I like to move into the new year by taking one last look back at what I consider the top “news” story of Huletts Landing from this past year. This year instead of one unique event, there were several stories – that all made the top 10 posts of the previous year – that highlight something special that I feel deserves spotlighting.

When I looked back at the most read posts on the Huletts Current this past year, I noticed a trend in some of the stories that highlighted something quite special.

Whether it was pictures of the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company’s response to the September 15th Truck Rollover (#1), to a rescue on Black Mountain (#3), or the HLVFC’s Practicing an Ice Drill (#6), or pictures from the 2016 HLVFC Christmas Party (#7), or highlighting the third annual Firemen’s Appreciation Dinner (#8), or even learning from the Fire Chief about a big bang on Bluff Head this past summer (#10), the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company played the biggest role in our community this past year in almost every major story. That’s unique and worth highlighting.

The many brave men and women who serve us in Huletts Landing are a blessing to our community. Here they hiked to the top of black mountain to assist a hiker who had fallen.

So for 2017, I’ve selected: the dedication and hard-work of the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company in protecting us all, as the: Top News Story of Huletts Landing for 2017. Without the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company and the dedication of its many volunteers, this year could have seen numerous disasters of fatalities in Huletts – but we didn’t – because of the many dedicated volunteers who serve us so faithfully.

There were many other instances, not included in the stories highlighted above, where their dedication protected us all. There was the day when phone and internet service went down that the HLVFC manned the firehouse with two way radio communication to the outside world, their weekly drills during the summer take valuable time away from their member’s vacations, and last but not least on every call they respond to – they put their lives on the line – whether it be from downed power lines, fire and/or explosions.

Many of us take for granted that when there is an emergency – they show up. However, there’s a lot of planning and hard work before the “showing up” part. There’s budgeting, training, keeping the equipment ready, drilling and more drilling, as well as communication between members and other departments in Washington County. I could go on and on. The “showing up” just doesn’t happen. It happens because of hard work and true dedication.

So for 2017, the Top News Story of Huletts Landing is: the dedication and hard-work of the the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company in protecting us all. If you have a chance to say thank you to one of their members or to make a donation, please do so – because they deserve it! Many thanks for their service to us all.