Nine Years Old

Well, here it is – another November 9th. Today is the day I celebrate the “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It’s now been exactly nine years since my first post in 2008. Today, when checking the logs – we get readers from all over the United States and the world. I think this comes back to the fact that so many people love Huletts Landing and Lake George and it is truly a community of people who care about each other who want to stay informed. It’s a unique place in this crazy world of ours.

There were times this past year when I couldn’t devote as much time to the blog as I would have liked but don’t fear I’m still going strong. I’m always looking for new ideas, news, and “goings-on” to post. I enjoy learning from you and sharing your thoughts and pictures about Huletts. I count on you – to send in pictures and news that other’s would want to see. I’m thankful for all those who have made the site so successful.

As is my custom, here are the most read posts from the past year.

1.) More Pictures of the HLVFC Response to September 15th Truck Rollover
2.) Megan Kennelly and Greg Leonardi Married in Huletts
3.) Rescue on Black Mountain
4.) Couple Celebrates 60th Wedding Anniversary
5.) Dresden’s New Veteran’s Sign Unveiled
6.) Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Department Practices Ice Drill
7.) Pictures from the 2016 HLVFC Christmas Party
8.) Third Annual Firemen’s Appreciation Dinner a Great Success
9.) Now For Some History: Arthur Wyatt’s Fay & Bowen Boat
10.) Message from Fire Chief on Sunday Morning Bluff Head Event

So thanks again for reading and now onto year ten!!