Children’s Halloween Parade Pictures

Children stand in their costumes before the start of this year’s Halloween parade.

This year’s Halloween parade was oodles’s of fun as the pictures here demonstrate. Although the early part of the day served up a gloomy helping of cloudy and rainy weather, Mother Nature blessed us with bright skies and sunshine for the actual parade featuring the Landing’s children, in their colorful costumes.

The children were treated to free ice cream at the soda fountain at the parade’s end. Many thanks to the ice cream dispensers who tirelessly scooped on and until all cones were fully filled!

The children paraded to the soda fountain.

There were even free sprinkles.

Many thanks to those who made the children’s day complete.

Trick or treating commenced with many children getting candy from generous neighbors.

Many thanks to those who made this Hulett’s tradition a success.