Now For Some History: Arthur Wyatt’s Fay & Bowen Boat

Arthur Wyatt’s Fay & Bowen after being repaired circa 1940. Larry Nash (age 5) is seen in the boat. (Click image to see full scale.)

Fay & Bowen 25 ft. Motor Boat Formerly Owned by A. H. Wyatt

This boat was originally owned by J. Maurice Beach, resident in the Hamlet. On July 26th, 1934, Beach was fishing in Cook’s Bay, off the Rock Ledge of Gardiner Property. Suddenly, a power boat came around “the rock” and struck the Fay & Bowen broadside, riding up on the Fay & Bowen, striking and killing Mr. Beach.

Mr. Wyatt bought the damaged Fay & Bowen, had the broken planks replaced and used the boat for fishing. It had a 4 cylinder 50 HP Fay & Bowen engine that was in poor condition and delivered about 25 to 30 HP, at one speed only – full throttle – about 8 to 10 miles per hour.

The boat was a “Double Ender.” Year of manufacture and serial number are unknown. Two or three years after Mr. Wyatt’s death, his widow sold it to a Whitehall resident. It was to be rebuilt and and used on Lake Champlain.

Written by J.C. Nash (Circa 1940)

Another picture of the Fay & Bowen circa 1940. Larry Nash (age 5) is seen in the boat. (Click image to see full scale.)