Photographing the Eclipse in Wyoming

Longtime Huletts guest, Michael Pass (left), stands with his son, Adam (right), who was photographing Monday’s eclipse in Wyoming for a major software manufacturer.

The big national news from this past week was Monday’s eclipse of the sun. Longtime Huletts guest, Michael Pass, emailed the following pictures of he and his son, Adam, who was on the job in Wyoming photographing the event for a software company. Below is how Mr. Pass described it.

“Adam has a camera that has its own wifi that shows whatever is framed in the camera onto his iPad. This allowed hundreds of people at the park we were at to view the live image shielded from the sun. At times, there were lines of people to view this and photograph it with their smart phones. Even a group of local police came to see the setup. These pictures show images on the shrouded iPad and camera.”

A perfect view on the iPad.

The lens used to capture the eclipse.

Adam hard at work.

The memorable event captured as it was happening.

Many thanks to Mr. Pass and Adam for sending these unique shots in! (Click all images to see larger view.)