Whitehall School Board: January Meeting Minutes

The Whitehall School Board has begun to put the minutes to their monthly meetings online. The Board should be commended for this.

Here is a link to the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting from Wednesday, January 18, 2017. I will begin to post these. (There is no easy way to link directly to these. They have to be printed out and saved as a pdf.)

Please note the following budget items where discussed by the Superintendent in his remarks (Item # 4 Superintendent Comments):

Patrick Dee stated that the State Aid Budget runs will be approximately 1.7% increase in aid. The Governor’s budget: Approximately $124,000 present budget runs for Whitehall.

Patrick Dee stated that there will be an approximate 15% budget increase (approximately $300.000 budget increase) in health insurance for 2017-2018. Whitehall is part of a consortium, which includes twenty eight out of thirty districts within WSWHE BOCES.