Top News Story of Huletts: 2016

Washington County highway department workers placing the new deck on the 6B bridge in Huletts Landing during June 2016. (Click image to see full-scale.)

Since I’ve been writing here on the Huletts Current, I’ve gotten in the habit of recapping at the end of the year what I consider to be the top news story of Huletts Landing from the past year. This is sometimes obvious, sometimes it is not. A lot happened this past year but the story that stood out to me, and was obvious to all in the Landing, was the county replacing the entire 6B bridge.

This work started in the Spring, continued into the Summer and was not finally completed until the Fall. The old bridge was entirely removed, the abutments were re-poured and a new deck and railings were added. The construction even impacted the water line to the golf course for a few weeks.

So for 2016, I’ve selected the rebuilding of the Washington County 6B bridge, as the: Top News Story of Huletts for 2016.

(Click images to see larger view.)

So for me, 2016 will ultimately be remembered as the year that the infrastructure in the center of the Landing was vastly improved even if it meant some minor inconveniences getting around. It took some time but hopefully it will last!

Now on to 2017!