Pictures from the HLVFC Annual “Open House”

The weather could not have been more accommodating in providing another beautiful day for the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company’s 2016 “Open House” on Saturday, August 6th.

Local family and friends and, most especially, the children, were treated to “Goody Bags”, ” Face Painting”, “Ice Cream” and many “Hands on Activities” which included operating fire hoses, sounding the fire truck horns, and sitting behind the big steering wheels in the cabs of the Company’s big red fire trucks.

The first 30 resident families to arrive received free, brand new, hand held “Fire Extinquishers.” Through the generosity of one of the Firefighters, any one on the Landing in need of reflective house numbers was also provided them at no charge. This is always a big help to the fire company when responding to fire and medical emergencies.

All in all, a good time was had by those who attended. Many thanks to Chief Jay VanderPlatt and his fantastic supporting staff of volunteer firefighters and the ladies auxiliary for their great effort in making this day a very special one indeed. Here are few photos of the days activities.