Piano Concert by Findlay Cockrell: Saturday August 6th

I’m pleased to announce that on Saturday August 6th at 7:30 pm, the Mountain Grove Memorial Church will host pianist; Findlay Cockrell. You will not want to miss this event!

This event will be a fundraiser for the church. Tickets are $25 each. Tickets will be limited and are sure to sell out fast so be sure to get yours soon.

Findlay Cockrell, is a retired professor of music at SUNY Albany, a teacher, pianist and mentor. Findlay attended Harvard and the Juilliard School (BS, MS), and has taught at Albany for almost 50 years. Those in the Capital District have enjoyed his recitals (especially the Noon Concert series), chamber music, and performances with the Albany Symphony and other local orchestras. Findlay was also the first performing artist to play at the EGG (The Empire State theater of performing arts in Albany). He was also guest soloist with the San Francisco Symphony under Arthur Fiedler, and a highlight of his career were guest solo performances in Tula, Russia and in Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow with the noted Ossipov Russian Instrumental Orchestra.

A native of California, and a part time resident of the Napa Valley, Findlay has his own amphitheater there for local concerts.