That’s a Lot of Visitors

While, I haven’t shared statistics for the Huletts Current in the past, I was fairly surprised when I checked the statistics lately.

With the month of July now almost finished, I wanted to share that 2016 is shaping up to be the most visited year in the history of the Huletts Current. The number of “visits” for the year has just recently surpassed 72,000. Now while this includes repeat visits, we’re on pace to exceed 100,000 visits for the year.

Anecdotally, people always either ask or email me to post “more news.” I continue to look for a variety of information about those things that would interest you, the reader. I can’t read minds though, so if you have news or interesting ideas, please let me know. So thank you for reading the Huletts Current, this year is shaping up to be a great one!