FHHL Children’s Event: August 4th

The Friends of Historic Huletts Landing will sponsor an event for children in the Huletts Gallery on August 4th between 10:00 and 11:00 am.

Come visit 1775 as a soldier garrisoning Fort Ticonderoga. Kids learn all about what it was really like to be a soldier on the Lake Champlain frontier during the American Revolution. What was daily life like? What did you have to carry around with you? Pounds and pounds of stuff. Kids get to touch representative objects like blankets, food, soap, canteens, gunpowder and writing notebooks, and try on clothing. Kids learn about the purpose and function of each item and big ideas about what it was to serve in America’s War for Independence. It was a very big deal to equip and feed an army in a remote location. $5 suggested donation.