Froehlich Foundation Grants LGA $327,000 Toward Lake Preservation

The Helen V. Froehlich Foundation has granted the Lake George Association $327,000 for 2016, a significant investment in the future of Lake George and the twenty-third year that the Froehlich Foundation has financially underwritten the LGA’s programs and projects that protect Lake George water.

That money will go directly to work in Lake George, said C. Walter Lender, LGA Executive Director. “We’re pleased to see the trust that the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation has again put in the Lake George Association to wisely invest the foundation’s money in projects and programs that benefit the whole lake.”

This grant award will provide $119,000 toward our Lake-Saving Projects that include “priority” projects that slow or stop stormwater from entering Lake George, identified as the largest threat to Lake George water quality.

It will also provide $66,000 toward our education and outreach programs like our EPA award-winning Floating Classroom, our in-school programs and our Lake-Friendly Living educational program.

It will also provide $142,000 toward our Lake Quality Programs, including invasive species management, land use management, winter road maintenance (including salt reduction strategies and equipment) and outreach into local communities.

The Lake George Association focuses on actions that, if taken now, will protect the Lake’s water quality now and for the long term – including using the grant money to help pay to clean the Beach Road porous pavement, install stormwater reduction projects on the east side of Lake George, and reduce runoff in Glenburnie and Huletts Landing.

The Froehlich Foundation grant money will also be used for stream monitoring and water quality testing, as well as to continue our regular testing and experiments performed during the Floating Classroom programs.

In some cases, the money that the LGA invests in projects is used to fulfill matching grant requirements for municipalities – grants that ensure projects to protect Lake George water are able to be completed.

All of the money donated to the Lake George Association stays in Lake George and is focused on projects that benefit the Lake George watershed from Ticonderoga to Lake George Village.

“We’d like to thank the Froehlich Foundation for their grant and their trust. With these resources, we can continue our mission as guardian of Lake George water, and continue our century of service to the Lake,” said Lender.