FHHL Speaker Series: Jessica Rubin – Thursday July 21st – MGM Church

Jessica Rubin, Director of Development and Marketing for the Fund for Lake George, will speak at the Mountain Grove Memorial Church on Thursday, July 21st.

The Friends of Historic Huletts Landing Speaker Series begins on Thursday July 21st at 7:30 pm at the Mountain Grove Memorial Church.

Jessica Rubin, the Director of Development and Marketing for the Fund for Lake George, a not-for-profit, privately funded organization dedicated since 1980 to the protection of Lake George will show a short video and then talk about Legacy and Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, especially as they effect storm-water runoff. The U.S. EPA has declared storm-water runoff and pollution to be the “Nation’s largest source of water quality problems.”

More than 30 years of water chemistry monitoring at Lake George reveals a decline in lake health including measurable losses to the lake’s signature water clarity. The “Queen of American Lakes” provides an ideal test bed for demonstrating how to reduce storm-water impacts through application of Low Impact Development (LID). LID practices manage storm-water as near to its source as possible, allowing for, rather than altering, the natural processes that filter and clean runoff entering the lake.