1915 – 2015 Hulett Hotel Fire Anniversary: Hotel Location

A merged image created from two photos, one from the winter of 1915-16, and the other from the summer of 2015, shows where the hotel that burned in 1915 stood and where the “new” hotel was constructed. (Click image to see larger version.)

November 14, 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the Hulett Hotel fire, which I chronicled in my book, The Hulett Hotel Fire on Lake George. After the fire, there was a trial which I also detail in the book.

Many people ask me, “Where was the hotel that burned located?” If you read the book, the “first Lincoln” picture shows the remnants of the fire and the construction of the new hotel during the winter of 2015-2016 on page 47. That picture would have been taken literally weeks after the fire.

So during this past summer, I tried to find the same spot where that picture was taken. I was able to line up “my” picture with that “first Lincoln” picture almost exactly, using the mountains in the background as a guide.

The cool thing about the picture from the winter of 1915-1916 is that it has an “X” mark on it, showing where the chimney for the fireplace stood from the original hotel. That area lines up almost perfectly with a tree that was taken down last year by the Association which now owns the property. The hotel that burned would have fronted on the lake in the area behind the two now-existing tennis courts.