Interview with Joyce Banks: Candidate for Town Supervisor

Today, I post a candidate interview with Joyce Banks, Republican and Adirondack Fairness nominee for Dresden Town Supervisor. I provided candidate questionnaires to all those running for Town Supervisor in this year’s town election and will post their responses as received. Below are my questions and Mrs. Banks responses.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for Town Supervisor?

My name is Joyce Banks and I am a candidate for Dresden Town Supervisor in the November 3, 2015 General Election. My name will be listed under the Republican, and Adirondack Fairness Party lines on the ballot. I ask for your vote. I have been living on the Blue Goose Road since marrying my husband Bob Banks over thirty years ago. If I’m elected I will be a full time Supervisor and have a better chance to meet with more of you and better understand your cares and concerns. My husband was Town Supervisor for 20 of the last 24 years and I believe has, along with a cooperating Town Board and employees, been responsible for the Town having the lowest equalized Town Tax Rate in the County.

Washington County may be trying to get Dresden to assume more responsibility for the Washington County Beach. If you are the next Town Supervisor, how will you respond?

Well there are rules and regulations in the deed when the property was transferred to the county and I know it has to remain a public beach. I believe it is quite clear that Washington county is responsible for running it.

Town taxes went up significantly last year, where do you stand on Town tax increases in the future?

I was concerned in January when our tax bill arrived and I saw that our Town Rate increased by over 12%. I checked with the County and was told that the amount raised by taxes by the Town was in fact 17.6% higher but that the amount on the bill was lower because our assessment for a previous Workman’s Compensation claim was satisfied in the previous year. In Dresden, the Supervisor also serves as the Budget Officer, drafting the budget and tracking and submitting bills for payment in accordance with that budget. I assisted in that task for my husband once my two boys were in college.

Are there any things you would like to see happening in Dresden in the future?

I kind of like Dresden the way it is. It’s quiet and it would be nice to have some industry but we can’t because of the APA. I’d like to see more high speed Internet and if elected I would do all in my power to improve high speed service if I’m able to.

As a prospective Town official, what do you consider your greatest strengths?

I pride myself on my common sense and logic and am always willing to listen and learn from members of the community and the Town Board. I’m a good listener and I’m honest. We have to try to keep our spending under control and not spend beyond our means. Besides serving as chief financial and executive officer of the Town, the Town Supervisor serves on the County Board of Supervisors and is the voice of Town on that body. I believe that I can work with the county agencies and administrators to get the best cooperation and coordination between the Town and County. Dresden is a small town and should act and spend like a small and responsible town with all of us pulling together on November 3 to keep our spending down and use common sense and logic to provide for all our residents.

Editor’s note: I would like to thank Mrs. Banks for her responses. Interview questions and answers are published in the order in which they are received.