2015 Day to Remember: Kerry A. McNelis Memorial Run Results

Over 80 participants ran in this year’s Kerry A. McNelis Memorial Run during the Day to Remember.

The 20th Huletts Landing Day to Remember was this past Saturday. Here are the results from the Kerry A. McNelis Memorial Run.

Special awards
Charlet Smith – youngest finisher.
Larry Nash – oldest finisher.

13 and Under Women
1. Lauren Keough
2. Kyle McCarthy
3. Sage Smith

18 and Under Men
1. John Keenan
2. John McNelis
3. Chris Patriacelli

14-24 Women
1. Devyn Heinzerling
2. Erin Godfrey
3. Irene McNelis

19-30 Men
1. Sean Kennelly
2. Patrick Keenan
3. Travis Lancaster

25-49 Women
1. Gina Dunlevy
2. Kathleen Godfrey / Vanessa Lenover
3. Jeanne Patriacelli

31-49 Men
1. Anthony Cuva
2. John Schultz
3. Chris Cotton

Leadership 50+ Women
1. Nancy Hurley
2. Joanne Keenan
3. Pam McNelis

Leadership 50+ Men
1. Kevin McNelis
2. Jim Dunleavy
3. John McNelis

To all the winners and event participants: Congratulations!