Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Department News

This week I had a chance to speak with Jay Vander Plaat, Chief of the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Department.

Last Monday, July 13th, the Dresden Volunteer Fire department requested the Huletts First Response team to a scene where a man taking down a tree fell over 30 feet out of the tree. He was medevac’d to Albany Medical Center and as of today is up and walking around. Chief Vander Plaat wanted everyone to know how proud he is of our community volunteers who helped to respond to this critical situation.

The HLFD fund drive is presently at 55% participation. We need to reach 60% participation in order for the “Pledge Benafactor” to make the matching contribution. If you have not made a contribution to date, please consider making one to support our community volunteers.

Next month’s Dresden Town Meeting will be held at the fire house on Monday August 10th at 7 pm. If you have not been to a Dresden town board meeting, please consider stopping by and seeing how our town government works.

Finally, on Monday July 20th, the Huletts Volunteer Fire Department conducted a successful drill with multiple hoses running water off of the Huletts tank truck with lake water throughput. This humble correspondent can report that he was successfully “saved.” Many thanks to the volunteers who came out and participated in this extremely worthwhile drill.