Now For Some History: 1912

Former Warrensburqh Man’s Thrilling Adventure Near North River.

Louis Napoleon Beach, a former Warrensburgh man, who is now employed in Harry Raymond’s livery stable at Riverside, while driving from North River to Hooper’s Mines, late Friday afternoon, had a thrilling experience with a bob-cat which has been hanging around that section all winter.

Mr. Beach was driving a pair of horses, belonging to his employer, hitched to a light wagon, and as they passed under a large pine tree, about three miles from North River, he heard a noise in the branches, and down into the back of the wagon dropped the big cat. The horses became frightened and bolted, while the driver was struggling with the animal.

Mr. Beach attacked the cat with the butt of his horse whip, but this only served to enrage the fury of the creature and it clawed and bit, making several ugly wounds on the unfortunate man. The horses made a sudden jump to one side of the road which dislodged the cat from the wagon, and (the) thoroughly maddened team ran wildly toward the village of Garnet. As they came to the house of R. J. Bennett, they bolted into his barn yard, where they stopped so suddenly that Mr. Beach was thrown to the ground.

After he was somewhat recovered he went into the house, where Mr. Bennett dressed the wounds inflicted by the cat. The attack has stirred up the people of that section. One of the horses, valued at $250, was badly injured, and will probably have to be shot.

Warrensburgh News – April 18, 1912