LGA Waits to Hear Final Vote Count on Grant

While the Lake George Association is waiting to hear the final, official outcome of votes in the BoatUS Foundation grant contest — the Foundation is reviewing votes to ensure they were fair and accurate (one vote per person per day) — the LGA’s grant vote total surpassed 40,000 in the final day of voting!

That is an astonishing display of love for Lake George – and the LGA is deeply thankful to all of you for that. We know that no matter where you live, Lake George is your home.

So many organizations and businesses from Ticonderoga, Hague, Hulett’s Landing, Bolton, Queensbury, Lake George Town and Village and all around the Lake took the contest to heart and helped get the word out and encouraged voting for the LGA – so THANK YOU! I proudly note that once the contest was posted on the Huletts Current, the LGA pulled ahead.

One funny note on the whole contest is that because of your support, the voting got so intense that the voting overwhelmed the voting program on the BoatUS Foundation website.

How’s that for the power of Lake George?

Whatever the outcome of the actual vote — we know the Lake George Association’s application was ahead in the final minutes of the contest — the Lake George Association wanted to make sure to THANK YOU for showing your love for Lake George.