Invite Some Friends or Family to Huletts this Summer

Some visitors to Huletts circa the 1990’s. If you know these people, please invite them back!

Now that daylight saving time has begun, and winter is hopefully drawing to a close, I wanted to opine for a minute on the fragile economic ecosystem of the Landing. Winter has been tough and people are fed up of the cold, so I thought I would talk about summer for a minute.

While most people come to Huletts for the peace and quiet which accompanies the beautiful nature that surrounds us, the Landing also relies on new people coming in during the summer months. Many people who rent their houses rely on the extra income to help pay their property taxes, and the local businesses that give Huletts its unique charm, including the Post Office, need people to support their activities.

Many Adirondack communities are suffering today because new people are not coming into them. People who visit a community are more likely to come back, spend some dollars locally, and perhaps settle there some day.

So here is a call to invite someone new to Huletts this summer. Tell a friend about the beautiful place where we spend parts of our summer. Perhaps consider a family reunion here, or tell people at work where they could go for a getaway.

Invite someone new to Huletts, there are lots of places for them to stay if you don’t have room, and take them out and show them the Landing. Consider bringing some of your children’s friends up with you for a week. There have been marriages here, years later, of people who’ve met in Huletts.

Remember how you or your family first learned of Huletts Landing? Do the same for someone else. Tell someone about Huletts and encourage them to visit. Everything really good needs to be shared.