Top News Story of Huletts: 2014

Since I’ve been writing here on the Huletts Current, I’ve gotten in the habit of recapping at the end of the year what I consider to be the top news story of Huletts Landing from the past year. A lot happened in 2014 in Huletts. An independent film producer shot a movie in Huletts, the Town of Dresden launched a new website, the Catholic Bishop even visited. We had storms, and the Chapel of the Assumption was also renovated inside.

However, the biggest “story,” in my opinion, was a series of changes that have occurred and which will soon go into effect at our local Post Office.

The Huletts Post Office began 2014 on the US Postal Service’s POST plan. This meant that the community had to come together to vote to keep the Post Office open albeit with reduced hours. The vote was indeed impressive, not only because of the number of people who voted but also because of the impressive margin by which the community voted to keep the Post Office open. Out of 136 questionnaires returned, 133 or 98% voted for realigned hours, while 3 made no selection.

The next change to occur, was that Pam Stragnell, our beloved and long-serving Postmaster, announced her retirement. Her dedication and love for our community has not gone unnoticed. She now joins the likes of other former Hulett Postmasters who served with distinction going back to the days when the original Post Office was opened by Philander Hulett himself. While she will not be at the Post Office’s window, Pam still resides in Huletts and she might even answer a question about how to mail something if you see her!

So for 2014, I’ve selected the changes at our Huletts Post Office as the: Top News Story of Huletts for 2014.