Six Years Old

Well, here it is another November 9th which is the day I celebrate the “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It’s been exactly six years since my first post in 2008.

I’ve been told that the site is some people’s first stop on the Internet every morning. While I’m sorry there’s not always breaking news, I try to mix it up with news, interviews, history and fun. I’m always looking for info to share with everyone.

So thank you to those who read the Huletts Current and those who share pictures and tidbits with the rest of the community here. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be engaging in this and I’d certainly run out of things to say.

As is my custom, here are the most read posts from the past year.

1.) Huletts Landing Post Office to Remain Open
2.) HLVFD’s Dual Event: “Santa’s Visit” and “Fire House Re-dedication”
3.) Dresden Has a Website:
4.) Catholic Bishop Visits Huletts Landing
5.) Mutual Aid Ice Drill a Success
6.) Bald Eagle Sighting: Lake Champlain South Bay Bridge
7.) Interview with Annelies Cook, U.S. Biathlon Team
8.) Foster Brook Summer Flood Revisited: Where Did the Water Come From?
9.) Interview with Pat Rushia: Candidate for School Board
10.) Catholic Chapel of the Assumption Interior Renovation in Progress

So thanks again for reading, and thanks for sharing your news and pictures here. Now it’s on to year seven.