LGA Nuisance Canada Geese Lakewide Survey

Canadian geese are a growing problem on Lake George. (Photo – Lake George Association.)

Nuisance resident Canada geese are a growing problem on the Lake for private properties and the Lake’s water quality. Just 1 goose can produce about 1 lb of droppings per day! Droppings contain bacteria and nutrients including phosphorus, both of which can impact water quality. Unfortunately, there often isn’t much that can be done to help homeowners with the problem other than suggest a shoreline buffer or some other goose deterrent ideas.

However, the Lake George Association hasn’t given up on addressing this issue over the years – and are happy to be able to tell you that now they are working with USDA/APHIS Wildlife Services staff to conduct a lake-wide survey of the Canada Goose population on Lake George this month. A census of the current population is the first step in moving forward with a lake-wide management plan.

It is a big lake – so the LGA needs your help! They know that some areas on the lake are prone to more goose problems than others. If you know of an area (like your front lawn) where the geese are constantly hanging out – they would like to know about it. This info will greatly help them get a more accurate picture of the goose population on the Lake during their survey.

The LGA would like to know:
1. where you see the geese (address and description from the water would be good since we will be on a boat to conduct the survey),
2. about how many geese are in the flock,
3.and how frequently they are there (are they always in the same place every day – do they have a daily routine?, etc) .

Please email this info to Emily at edebolt@lakegeorgeassociation.org or call the office at 518-668-3558 by Monday August 18th.

See the DEC handout on geese here.