Catholic Bishop Visits Huletts Landing

The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. (left), stands with Fr. Rendell Torres, Pastor of the Chapel of the Assumption (right) in Huletts Landing on Saturday evening.

On Saturday evening, July 12th, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D., visited Huletts Landing to celebrate Mass at the Chapel of the Assumption. The Chapel was filled to capacity with local residents who greeted the Bishop enthusiastically.

The Gospel reading was from Matthew 13:1-23 and the Bishop’s sermon was on the sower who went out to sow seeds.

After Mass, a reception and dinner was held on the Huletts Landing Property Owner’s Civic Association’s beach and pavilion. As the dinner was beginning, rain poured down making for an intimate dinner as all retreated to the cover of the pavilion.

The Bishop greeted everyone warmly throughout the evening, and it was an enjoyable faith-filled night for all.

Many thanks to Bishop Scharfenberger for visiting, Fr. Rendell Torres for organizing the event, and all the many volunteers who made the evening so enjoyable.

Huletts will long remember the Bishop who came to spread the faith and visit our special community.