LGA’s Floating Classroom sealed as part of the LGPC Frozen Boats Program

LGPC Executive Director Dave Wick joined LGA staff to seal the Floating Classroom boat to its trailer as part of the Commission’s Frozen Boats Program. Boats sealed now will not need to be inspected this spring prior to launching.

The Lake George Park Commission (LGPC) has established a “Frozen Boats” Program that allows local residents to have their boats certified as invasive-free with a Vessel Inspection Control Seal (VICS) in advance of the 2014 boating season.

Each VICS is numbered, and when a boat is sealed the seal number and the boat registration number are both recorded. The LGA’s Floating Classroom was sealed with Vessel Inspection Control Seal #1885 in honor of the Association being founded in 1885 and for recognition of the critical role the Association has played in the development of a mandatory boat inspection program.

“We are glad to be able to lead by example and help get the word out about the frozen boats program at the same time, said Walt Lender, the LGA’s Executive Director. “The LGPC’s efforts to create a comprehensive mandatory inspection program to protect the Lake is no small task – and seemingly minor details, such as tagging frozen boats, can help decrease congestion at the inspection stations early on in the season, which will be important to the success of the program this first year,’ said Lender. “When folks arrive at the Lake this summer we want them to understand that lake protection and recreation can go hand in hand. It’s like a first impression – you want to get it right.”

LGA Educator Jill Trunko shows off the Floating Classroom’s Vessel Inspection Control Seal

Having a boat with an intact inspection seal acquired through the Frozen Boats Program removes the need for that boat to visit one of the six regional inspection stations for a ‘clean, drained, and dry’ inspection prior to its first launch of the year into Lake George. This local program will provide inspection seals for trailered boats that have been demonstrated to be exposed to the winter elements sufficiently long to kill aquatic invasive species.

“In general, three days of continuous freezing is long enough to kill any AIS present on a boat or trailer,” said Emily DeBolt, the LGA’s Outreach Coordinator. “And we have certainly had more than three days in a row of below freezing temperatures this winter.” The earliest ice out on the area’s local water bodies will signify the end of the 2014 Frozen Boats Program, and Vessel Inspection Control Seals will not be applied through this program after that date. “Ice out is typically early to mid-April, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t a bit late this year, said DeBolt. “Although, you just never know what the weather is going to do, so if you have a boat that you want sealed as part of this program, I would be sure to get it taken care of sooner rather than later.” The new mandatory inspection program will go into effect May 15, 2014. “If you plan to launch your boat before May 15th you won’t be required to be inspected and sealed. But if you aren’t sure – you can go ahead and get your boat sealed now to be safe,” added DeBolt.

“If your boat is stored at a local storage facility, the LGPC has drafted agreements with local marinas and haulers which include provisions for the Frozen Boats Program,” said Dave Wick, Executive Director of the Lake George Park Commission. “If your boat is presently in the care, custody, and control of a local winter storage facility, please contact your facility for details. It is likely that there is nothing further you have to do.” The LGPC is also coordinating its program with local haulers as well as storage facilities. “If your boat is stored on blocks and seasonally transported with a hydraulic trailer by a local hauler, please contact your hauler for details. Many regional haulers will also have agreements in place for the program.”

The LGPC has teamed up with its local partners to administer the Frozen Boats Program. If you have a trailered boat that qualifies for the program and you would like to receive this service, you can contact the Commission office or your local Frozen Boats representative listed below.

Town Representative Contact Info

Town of Dresden: Tom Conrad 518-499-0801, hulettslandingmarina@gmail.com

Town of Lake George: Dennis Dickinson 518-796-0400
Village of Lake George: LGPC 518-668-9347
Town of Bolton: Joe Stanek 518-668-9272
Town of Hague: Steve Ramant H: 518-543-6542, 2hottubs@msn.com
Town of Ticonderoga: Walt Lender 518-668-3558
Town of Putnam: Robert Rudt W: 518-547-8717 H: 518-547-8740
Glenburnie : Tim Dorian 508-254-9404, tim@dorianfamily.com
Town of Fort Ann: Marc Migliore 518-260-0779
Town of Queensbury: Bill Mason 518-726-0693