Learning About Kitchell Bay’s Name

In regards to the previous post about the history of Kitchell Bay’s name, I received the following from Lane DeMuro:


I saw the request from Douglas Gallant for information on naming Kitchell Bay. I don’t know if the attached will help, but here are some scans of a little Hymn Book (it measures approx 2-1/2″ W x 3-1/2″ Tall) with the name Kitchell written across the front, and inside is written what appears to be “G.H. Kitchell.” I am not really too sure if it is “G.H” or not, but the Kitchell part is very clear. The book was copyright 1879, (copyright page attached) so we know he or she had to own it sometime after that. I suspect it was probably used when the first Mt. Grove church was in operation up on top of the hill. I also scanned a work ledger from D.W. Philips with what appears to be “Mrs…..Kitchell.” It is from 1910, so I can trace Kitchell back that far at least. If I come across any more as I look through my collection I will pass them on to you.

Lane DeMuro

The cover of the little Hymm Book.

The copyright page (upper left) showing a publication date of 1879. (Click to see full-scale.)

The initials on the inside appear to be “G.H. Kitchell.” (Click to see full-scale.)

The title page and publisher information. (Click to see full-scale.)

A work ledger from D.W. Philips with what appears to be “Mrs…..Kitchell.” (Click to see full-scale.)