Lake George Park Commission Unanimously Approves Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations

By a unanimous vote of the Lake George Park Commission on Tuesday, new Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations were approved and will go into effect on May 15th.

Inspectors will be hired to inspect boats being launched into Lake George and if any aquatic invasive species are found, the boat and trailer in question will be subject to a mandatory boat washing.

The Post Star reported in-depth on this in today’s online issue.

My understanding is that for boats visiting Lake George from other bodies of water, after being inspected, the boater would receive a “seal” that no aquatic hitchhikers had been found. So, for example, if someone is renting a dock on the lake for a week, they’d get the inspection and seal when they launch and it would be good as long as they’re there.

There’s currently no charge for an inspection. The cost of the program is covered through state grant funding and local contributions, and that is committed to the first two years this is in place. Beyond that, the LGPC has not said anything.

For those who use their boats only in Lake George, I am still trying to ascertain answers. This will be a big story and I will post any news as I learn it.