Top News Story of Huletts: 2013

Debris and muddy water as seen in Lake George on July 11, 2013.

Since I’ve been writing here on the Huletts Current, I’ve gotten in the habit of recapping at the end of the year what I consider to be the top news story of Huletts Landing from the past year. For 2013, I’ve chosen the July 11th flash flood down Foster brook, caused by a mountain beaver dam rupture.

The morning of July 11th, a neighbor came over, when the fire whistle went off, and said to head to high ground. I have to admit I had never heard a comment like that before in Huletts. I headed right over to Foster Brook and snapped the picture below.

Water cascades down Foster Brook the morning of July 11th.

As I headed upstream, my first thought was; “Where is all this water coming from?” Well, we now know as I documented here.

As the day went along and the water subsided, the “best” of Huletts was on display as neighbor helped neighbor. Fire companies, county and town road crews, the Lake George Park Commission and even the media arrived.

Dresden Town Supervisor, Robert Banks, being interviewed about the flood.

So while other things happened in Huletts during the past year, I selected the July 11th Foster Brook flood as the year’s top news story, because it was one of the biggest days in Huletts Landing that I can remember in a long time. Things returned to normal pretty quickly but it was an exciting day that will be remembered for a long time by those who were there that morning.

(Click on all pictures to see full-scale.)