Fort Ticonderoga presents Fourth Annual “Material Matters: It’s in the Details” Weekend Seminar

Participants during a previous “Material Matters” program examine original examples of 18th-century clothing. Fort Ticonderoga hosts the Fourth Annual “Material Matters: It’s in the Details” Seminar on January 25 & 26, 2014.. Registration is now open for this weekend seminar.

Fort Ticonderoga will present its Fourth Annual “Material Matters: It’s in the Details” Seminar the weekend of January 25 & 26, 2014. This weekend event focuses on the material culture of the 18th century and is intended for people with an interest in learning more about objects of the 18th century and what they can tell us about history. “Material Matters” takes place in the Deborah Clarke Mars Education Center at Fort Ticonderoga and is open by pre-registration only.

“A panel of material culture experts comes to Fort Ticonderoga for the weekend to share their knowledge of 18th-century material culture in a series of presentations,” said Rich Strum, Fort Ticonderoga Director of Education. “Designed for those who want a deeper understanding of the everyday objects that help tell the story of life and the contests for control of North America during the 18th century, the weekend’s informal approach enables attendees to interact with presenters and provides an opportunity to examine 18th-century objects up close.”

Seminar topics include: objects from the early months of the American Revolution by Joel Boyh from Skinner Auctioneers and Appraisers, 18th-century British sailor clothing by Matthew Brenckle from the USS Constitution Museum, 17th- and 18th-century Canadian headwear by independent scholar Ryan Clark, 18th-century military entrenching tools by Fort Ticonderoga’s Curator of Collections Chris Fox, soldiers shoes in the Champlain Valley by the Fort’s Director of Interpretation Stuart Lilie, New England provincial firearms by Fort Ticonderoga’s Artificer Shoemaker Shaun Pekar, and 18th-century tents by independent scholar Gregory Theberge.

Since 2001, Fort Ticonderoga has provided scholarships for 111 teachers from across the country to attend its seminars and conferences. Teachers interested in applying for a scholarship to attend “Material Matters” should download an application at by clicking on “Explore and Learn” and selecting the “Educators” tab. Applications are due by December 10th. Successful applicants will receive free registration, two box lunches, and an opportunity to dine with the presenters at a private dinner the Saturday evening of the Seminar. Contact Rich Strum, Director of Education, at (518) 585-6370 if you have questions.

“Material Matters” is open to the general public by pre-registration. The cost is $120 if registering before December 20th; $145 after that date (members of the Friends of Fort Ticonderoga receive a discount, as do students and young museum professionals). Registration forms can be downloaded from the Fort’s website at under the “Explore and Learn” tab by selecting “Life Long Learning” on the drop down menu and then clicking on “Material Matters: It’s in the Details.” A printed copy is also available upon request by contacting Rich Strum, Director of Education, at (518) 585-6370.