Capital District’s Economic Council Grants Awarded

This past week, the Governor’s economic development grants were announced for the different regions of the state.

Washington and Warren Counties were included with the Capital District’s economic council’s grant winners.

Some notable local recipients:

Village of Lake George (with project partners): $750,000 to construct elements of the Charles R. Wood Park including: a children’s adventure play area; skateboard park; interpretive elements; primary park entrance; signage; and sidewalks connecting to the Beach Road and the Warren County Bike Path.

Hacker Boat Company: $600,000 to expand its current facility to meet demand for manufacturing larger boats.

The Lake George Watershed Coalition: $390,000 to conduct Stream Corridor Water Quality Monitoring for water quality and morphology, incorporate improved knowledge of stream morphology, assess effectiveness of existing stormwater management and control including West Brook Stormwater Control project, restore stream corridors; and provide outreach and education to improve operation of on-site wastewater treatment systems.

The Hyde Collection: $137,201 to present and promote the exhibit “Modern Nature: Georgia O’Keefe and Lake George”; an associated catalog; and a regional program session.

Village of Lake George: $170,166 to reconstruct public docks along Beach Road destroyed by Hurricane Irene.

Village of Fort Edward: $243,493 to redevelop an historic Canal building for use as a permanent location of a required farmers’ market. The new Canal Street Farmers Marketplace, will include retail space for agricultural goods produced in Washington, Warren and Saratoga counties.

Here is the complete Capital District List. (Pages 7-9 show all local grant recipients.)