Milestone Reached: Construction Completed on West Brook Stormwater Complex

A rendering of what the West Brook Conservation Initiative in Lake George village will look like when completed. The “south parcel” stormwater complex is located on the bottom of the drawing, West Brook runs horizontally through the center, and the public festival space in located on the “north parcel” on top. The southern end of Lake George can be seen in the upper right hand corner.

Facing north from the “south parcel” of the West Brook Conservation Initiative. West Brook is beyond the railing in the background. The large pond in the foreground can be seen in blue on the drawing that appears at the top of this post.

The water in Lake George flows from the south to the north. So if the water from the south is cleaner, then the water in the north should be cleaner also.

That is the hope of those building the West Brook Conservation Initiative in Lake George village. The entire site can be thought of as two areas; respectively called the south and north parcels, with West Brook flowing between the two. The north parcel, once home to the “Cavalcade of Cars” and the “Opera House,” will include public festival space, a children’s adventure play area, and a skateboard park. The south parcel will include the stormwater treatment complex with interpretive educational trails throughout.

Construction of the south parcel stormwater treatment complex is now officially complete. All of the partners and supporters in the West Brook Conservation Initiative have something to celebrate. While the stormwater treatment system will not be technically “turned on” until the plants take root, it is expected that by the spring of 2013, the stormwater runoff from the Route 9 corridor and adjoining properties will be directed into the treatment basin.

Facing east from the “south parcel” of the West Brook Conservation Initiative. The new stormwater complex nears completion. Many people will remember that “Gaslight Village” and “Charlie’s Saloon” once occupied the south parcel.

Over 20,000 native plants, shrubs, and trees were installed in October, marking the final phase of construction on the stormwater complex.

The system will filter many of the pollutants that currently enter the south end of the Lake via West Brook. Engineers estimate that 90% of the sediment now flowing into the Lake will be treated by this system and over one-half of the pollutants will be removed. Millions of gallons of untreated stormwater now flow untreated into the south basin of Lake George.

The next phase of the project includes finishing the interpretive trails throughout the south parcel and constructing the public festival space on the north parcel.

Funding is in place for most of the construction needed for the north parcel: the park building (housing the restrooms), the children’s adventure play area, the skateboard park (90% funded), the walkways and interpretative signage, and an at-grade crossing over West Brook. Funding is also in place for the walkways and interpretative signage on the south parcel (through the storm water treatment train).

In approximately three weeks, word is expected on grants that could complete the funding needed for several park elements. Elements to be potentially funded through these grants are:

a. the final 10% of the skateboard park;
b. walkways;
c. park entrance at Beach Road; and
d. signage as well as sidewalks along West Brook Rd.

The project partners are continuing to look for funding sources for the elevated walkway and bridge over West Brook, connected to a fire tower, the Rt. 9 entrance, and the water feature.

Finally, the construction documents for funded elements are presently being completed. Once the grant award announcements are made, the park management committee will decide which additional construction documents will be needed, and those will be completed over the winter. Contractors will bid next summer, and construction will start shortly thereafter. Construction is slated for completion in the summer of 2015.