Fort Ticonderoga Reports Growth in 2012

View of the Fort Ticonderoga. Carl Heilman photo.

Fort Ticonderoga, a not-for-profit educational organization and major tourism destination, reports growth for the 2012 season in both earned income and donations. Paid attendance increased nearly 6% and admissions revenue increased by 18% over 2011. The organization also saw increases in program revenue up by 38% and field trip programs up by 8%. Donations have also risen including a 38% growth in Friends of Fort Ticonderoga memberships and 18% growth in annual giving.

“This has been a remarkable year,” said Beth Hill, Fort Ticonderoga President and CEO.

“Fort Ticonderoga has been able to redefine what is possible and generate increased income and support to fulfill its mission. We still have a great deal of work to accomplish, but we are very pleased with 2012’s successes.”

Beth Hill was hired as Fort Ticonderoga’s Executive Director in 2010. She was recently named President and CEO of the not-for-profit organization. In 2011 Fort Ticonderoga trademarked its brand as America’s Fort and was named a top destination in the Adirondacks by US News and World Reports Travel.