Gull Bay Cleanup

Some of the garbage volunteers cleaned up at the Gull Bay Preserve.

Lake George Land Conservancy volunteers joined together on October 18th to clean up an old dump site at the Gull Bay Preserve, north of Huletts Landing. The group also helped to install gates at key points to limit illegal access by ATVs and other vehicles.

Truck load of trash removed from old dump site.

Those in attendance responded to the Lake George Land Conservancy’s call to help clean up an old dump site at the northern end of the Gull Bay Preserve. In addition to a truck and other large scrap pieces, there were bags of bottles, cans and other typical household trash. The group removed as much as could be loaded into LGLC’s truck; the rest will be removed or covered at a later time.

Lake George Land Conservancy volunteer Mike O’Reilly. Mike is the VP of Finances and Treasurer on the LGLC’s Board of Directors, and a resident of Hulett’s Landing.

One gate was installed at a major access point for ATVs and other motorized vehicles into the preserve. Use of these vehicles is illegal on private property, cause damage to trails and forest habitat, and disrupt wildlife, including the great blue herons which are sensitive to noise and human activity. By reducing or eliminating vehicle use on the property the Lake George Land Conservancy hopes that vegetation will fill in and restore damaged trails, and that the reduction of noise will encourage more wildlife to utilize the land.