Silver Bay YMCA Begins Capital Campaign

A rendering of a new all-season facility proposed by the Silver Bay Association, across the lake, to be built on the site of the current Dining Hall.

This week, I received a copy of Silver Bay’s YMCA Fall/Winter newsletter which details their new capital campaign to build an all-season conference center next to the existing hotel on the site of the current Dining Hall.

The project would include:

  • 30 – 40 new and accessible guest rooms with private baths.
  • Significantly upgraded dining experiences, both indoors and outdoors.
  • A Leadership Center with modern meeting space for small conferences.
  • The capacity to attract new revenue streams from conferences and reunion groups.
  • Year-round usage under one roof for lodging, meals, and meetings.
  • A new waste water system with parking and road improvements.
  • To learn more about the campaign, which hopes to raise over $17 million dollars view this page.