Foster Brook Stream Restoration

The Lake George Association worked this fall on a lake saving stream restoration project on a small section of Foster Brook. The project included construction of a rock vane, cleaning out an off-line sediment basin (shown here), and stabilizing the stream banks with large 36- to-48-inch stone.

This fall the Lake George Association completed a project to stabilize a small section of Foster Brook in the hamlet of Huletts Landing. The brook was severely eroded during last year’s Tropical Storm Irene. Lots of unwanted material was deposited along the banks and within the stream, interrupting the natural flow of the water. This material was removed, and some was used, along with stone that was purchased, to stabilize the streambanks.

Rock vanes were constructed to help direct storm flow and keep downstream banks protected. Large 36-to-48- inch stone was brought in to create the rock vane. An off-line sediment basin along the stream was cleaned out; an estimated 35 cubic yards of material were removed. (Off-line sediment basins are designed to take excess flow during storm events.) Areas that were disturbed were graded and covered with straw and seed.

Just downstream of the basin where a secondary stream enters Foster Brook, a large amount of material was deposited. The northern downstream bank had major undercutting as the streams location had been altered. The deposited material was pulled back against the eroding bank to stabilize it and open the stream channel. A second rock vane was installed to keep the flow of the stream in the middle of the channel and protect the other shoreline.

The project was funded through grant awards received from the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation. Construction was completed by Nims Outdoor Services with some assistance from the Dresden Town Highway Department. Many thanks to all those involved.

(Click picture to see full-scale.)