Rare Photo Shows 1898 Washington County “I” Company

A rare photograph of Washington County’s Company “I” which fought in the Spanish-American War. (Click image to see full-scale.)

This is one of those rare historical finds which is one of the reasons I started the Huletts Current.

It is a picture of Washington County’s Company “I” which fought in the Spanish-American War. The Spanish–American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States. It resulted in American control of Cuba and, following their purchase from Spain, indefinite authority over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

It was given to me by Don Hart. Don’s wife, Pamela, is the granddaughter of Ruth Foote. Ruth was the sister of Earle Foote of Huletts Landing.

Don Hart’s great-grandfather, Patrick Hart, is pictured holding the razor and giving the man in the chair a shave. Don’s great-uncle, Bernard Hart, (Patrick’s brother) is also pictured sitting behind the left shoulder of the man lying on the ground with the apron. Bernard is the one with the ring of bullets around his neck. Don could not identify any of the other men in the picture.

I love this particular shot because it looks like the men were rounded up for the photograph while they were just doing their normal routines. It gives some insight into what the daily life of a local soldier was like in 1898.

Don said that both his great-grandfather and great-uncle were pretty tough fellows who were not known to back down from a fight. All these guys look rough and ready though, and this photo is certainly a great historical find. Many thanks to Don Hart for providing it.

(To really appreciate the image, click on it to see it full-scale.)