LGA Annual Meeting to be Held August 17th

LGA members and other concerned citizens gather at the LGA 126th Annual Meeting, last August, at the Lake George Club. This year’s meeting, free and open to the general public, will be held on Friday, August 17, at 10 am

The Lake George Association welcomes everyone with an interest in the health and welfare of the Lake to attend this year’s annual meeting, on Friday, August 17, at 10 am, at the Lake George Club. Registration begins at 9:30 am, and the meeting is free.

Topics of concern to the entire region will be addressed, including the recent detection of spiny water flea in the Lake, as well as ongoing efforts to combat the Asian clam. The consideration of mandatory inspections at boat launches to prevent the spread of invasive species will also be discussed. LGA staff will present recent research studies on the biological impact of the spiny water flea and the longer term impact this invasive has on fish populations. Samples of spiny water flea captured in Lake George will be available for the public to see.

The Rainbow Beach Association, the first homeowner association to establish their own boat launch regulations, will be honored at the meeting.

Randy Rath, LGA project manager will provide updates on several of the LGA’s lake saving projects, including the recently completed projects at the Lake George Town Hall, English Brook and Hague Brook, and the status of the work accomplished at the West Brook Environmental Park, as well as upcoming projects. Emily DeBolt and Kristen Rohne, on the educational staff at the LGA, will talk about new educational outreach programs offered this past year.

Attendees will have an opportunity to sign the LGA clean boater pledge and receive a clean boater kit. Members and guests will also receive a copy of the LGA’s newest publication, A Homeowner’s Guide to Lake-friendly Living.

The general public is welcome to attend the meeting, which is free. After the meeting there will be an optional luncheon buffet. The $25 per person cost for lunch does not include a donation to the LGA. Space is limited. To make a reservation for the meeting and/or the lunch, please contact the LGA at 518-668-3558 or info@lakegeorgeassociation.org, or complete the invitation form available online at www.lakegeorgeassociation.org.