Happening This Week

There’s so much going on this week, I’m putting what I know about in one post:


Community Supper
Washington County Beach Pavilion
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
6:00 PM

Bring a Dish to Share
Utensils, Plates and Beverages
Ice Tea, Lemonade, Dessert & Music Provided

Mountain Grove Ladies Guild
Call Toni Richards 499-1352 for more information


FHHL Children’s Event (A program not on the current schedule.)

Lori Fox of the Fort Ticonderoga Museum will again talk about
life in early colonial times and the history of the Fort.
In the past, she has included various craft and
participation activities related to that time period.

Friday, August 10, 10:00-12:00
Huletts Library and Gallery (old firehouse)

Event is free, but a $5. donation suggested to help defray the cost.


“A Day to Remember”

9:00 AM Run/Walk
10:30 AM Best Ball Golf Foursome
7:00 PM Dinner
9:00 PM Lighting Luminaries

Full Day $25 per person, $15 Children Under 21, $75 Family

Huletts Fire Company
2012 Open House

Saturday, August 11
2-4 pm

Free Ice Cream Sandwiches
Fire Safety Information
Fire Extinguisher Demonstrations
Free handouts
Everyone Welcome!!!!

Huletts Casino

Band: Fleeting Francium
Evening of August 11th
(10pm – 2am)

Friends of Historic Huletts Landing
Art Auction Items Go on Display

All Week: August 11-17
Huletts Library and Gallery (old firehouse)