Going Away Party Held for Fr. Flannery

Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Flannery stands with Mrs. Catherine Aiken outside the Huletts Casino. A group of parishioners held a going away party for Fr. Flannery, who was recently reassigned by the Bishop.

Have you heard the joke about the Irish Catholic priest whose sermons were described as “warm” by an Irish villager? The punch line is: that’s another way of saying that they “were not too hot!”

Well, lots of jokes about Irish Catholic priests were told at the going away party, held on Saturday night, for Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Flannery.

Mr. Patrick McNelis acted as the Master of Ceremonies and Mr. Robert Quick and Mr. Arthur Borin offered touching testimonies on Fr. Flannery’s service to the Huletts Landing community.

Mrs. Theresa Pell, Mrs. Irene McNelis, Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny and Mrs. Catherine Aiken worked tirelessly throughout the week to make the party possible.

Many Irish blessings go with Fr. Flannery as he leaves for his new assignment. His warmth and caring way will certainly be missed!