New Wallpaper Added

The view south from Vicars island campsite # 9 has been added as a desktop wallpaper on the “Wallpaper” page.


My family has been camping on the LG islands since 1961 and we’ve kept a boat at Island View Marina for the past 20 years or so. I just wanted to submit a wallpaper piicture I took from Vicars #9 looking south along the Tongue Mt Range. Hope you feel it will be useful for others, as I’ve had it as my desktop background since I took it.

Gurk Fennelly

Thanks Gurk. What better way to share memories of Huletts Landing and Lake George than to share desktop wallpaper?

I’ve added Durk’s picture to the wallpaper page. If you have a shot that you’d like to share, please send it to me and I’ll try to post it.